Cognitive Health
Can You Prevent or Halt
the Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease?
By Functional Medicine Specialist Dr. Marsha Nunley
An estimated 5.2 million Americans over the age of 65 have Alzheimer’s
disease, a number that may nearly triple in the next thirty years as the
population of older Americans continues to grow dramatically. Growing
older is the greatest known risk factor for Alzheimer’s; the disease currently
affects 1 in 9 Americans over the age of 65 and 1 in 3 over the age of 85.
he prevalence of Alzheimer’s is startling and frightening for older Americans
and their families,” says
functional medicine specialist Dr. Marsha Nunley,
founder of H.E.A.L. Medical. “As a society and as in-
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dividuals, we are more health-conscious than ever
before and yet the threat of Alzheimer’s looms over
our ‘golden years’. As researchers continue to pursue treatment and prevention solutions, we want
to do everything we can ourselves to ward off the
disease and maintain our physical and cognitive
vitality as we age.”