Love Yourself , Heal the World with Luke Adler
Luke Adler ’ s goal is to help bring to light the systematic way we suppress our inner guidance and the physical effect of that suppression . He teaches how to reverse the disease process by looking within , learning to love what you discover , taking up daily meditation practice , and using breathwork to increase your ability to see life in all its nuanced beauty . Luke Adler , L . Ac . D . O . M ., is a Board Certified Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist in the state of Oregon , and has received the highest level of national certification for Chinese Medicine . Luke is currently a doctoral fellow under renowned physician Dr . Jeffrey Yuen . Luke ’ s Ph . D studies are in classical Chinese medicine , with an emphasis in the esoteric energetics of acupuncture , herbology and ritual healing . Educated in California , Luke is trained as a primary health care provider of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture . His practice is holistically rooted in his ability to understand physiological pathology and make vital connections to emotional and spiritual blocks as part of an overall pattern of disharmony . In his book , Born to Heal , Luke uses the lens of ancient Chinese medicine , enhanced by exploration into his own consciousness and that of the thousands of people he has served . His website is : https :// lukeadlerhealing . com /
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