New Consciousness Review Summer 2016 | Page 25

INSPIRATION HEALTH Example: Is it really true that if I allowed myself to move ahead in my life like I want, my parents would think I was an ungrateful and selfish person? 4.  And if what I fear really happens, can I face that? 5. Acceptance The fearful part inside you (the ego) is convinced that it’s helping you and is actually contributing in avoiding the worst for you. Therefore, it’s important to accept it and not to resent it, because it only wants the best for you. Thank it and inform it that you are now able to handle whatever consequence might arise. Handling your fears in such a way will help you regain mastery over your life. You will no longer allow your belief system to influence you to the point where you don’t feel free to be your true self. We all are here to learn how to become our true self again. This is the reason why it’s so important that we face our fears, instead of acting as if they didn’t exist. By rediscovering ourselves, we regain the energy which was spent maintaining our fears and we can put it to a much more creative use. Lise Bourbeau is a world-renowned author that has written 24 books. Ever since she founded her school in 1982, her teachings have been helping large numbers of people to make concrete changes in their everyday lives and achieve improved quality of life. The Listen to Your Body School is the largest personal growth school in Quebec and has run workshops in over 20 countries and in 10 languages. 25 | New Consciousness Review Be patient and tolerant with yourself throughout this process because some of your fears may be deep-seated. By tackling them one by one, the process of managing them will become much easier. The deep-rooted fears request more compassion from you since they are the result of an acute emotional wound that happened during your childhood. You simply need to give yourself some time. The less fears you have, the more you will have faith in yourself, which will give rise to a greater life.