New Consciousness Review Summer 2015 | Page 30

HEALTH And each one of us may have these qualities sitting in our bodies as stagnations, as dark clouds of energy sitting in our liver as anger or resentment, or stagnate energies sitting in our kidneys as fear and insecurities. When each one of us can bring light, bring awareness within ourselves to release these old stagnations, the earth as a whole becomes lighter and brighter. We are all in this together, as a union. What is within each of us, the internal landscapes, is a small universe that mirrors the outer universe. The Taoist practitioners have always known that. And when we have stayed in our mind for too long, we are only manifesting peripheral creations that can serve either energies, going up or going down. The real change must come from the body, which is connected to nature through energies. The body does not lie.” Janai: Can you explain two different practices for readers to have a sampling of the power and potential of practicing this discipline such as Big Tree and perhaps one of the breathing techniques? Claire: Big tree is one of the fundamental practices in ZY Qigong. Ten movement forms cannot equal one standing form. There is a place for the movement forms. They are to resolve the courser blockages on the physical level and enable energy to start to flow in the body. Standing meditation is where once the energy is flowing, then we can accumulate cosmic energy and continue to open up finer blockages energetically. And as we move from standing meditation into sitting meditation, once we have accumulated