New Consciousness Review Spring 2016 | Page 8

HEALTH having this desire. Entrapped in a web of our own weaving, we have yet to realize that we are waiting for a wholehearted commitment to our own wellbeing and that our suffering is simply asking us to speak and act based on what we truly feel in each situation and relationship. oped toward ourselves in childhood. Because we tend to be so lost in this harmful way of thinking and acting, it’s very easy to overlook the simple fact that transforming this mental and emotional dis-ease can bring the long-term relief and peace we’re seeking. I cannot help but point out the fact here that modern medicine has not discovered cures for aliments like cancer, autoimmune disease and clinical depression. Is it because we have been viewing these extreme symptoms from a limited perspective and completely missing the purpose of these challenges? I have heard it said that life will take away anything or anyone we take for granted. Our life itself and our health fall into this category also. In my work with thousands of people I have witnessed time and again how individuals ignore and disregard their mental and emotional life, because they do not know how to navigate it, talk about it or respect it.  The natural progression of this sentiment is a deep feeling of worthlessness; where one perceives their feelings, needs and desires do not matter. They feel their inner self or soul has no value or is not appreciated by those around them, and the byproduct is a body that does not matter or feel worthy of  attention.  In other words, a heart not cared for or honored by us  becomes a body that does not feel good to inhabit. I believe so.  Although it can be hard to swallow, I have found that our mental and emotional relationship to ourselves is both the cause of and the solution to most forms of personal suffering. Our ability to express what we feel effectively and act in alignment with this inner truth directly determines the quality of our mental and physical wellbeing. In most cases deep unhappiness and chronic illness are simply the result of the self-destructive, critical, judgmental and fear-based relationship many of us devel- 8 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW What’s the point of being alive if our soul feels trapped, misunderstood, and valueless? What sentient being would ever want to continue to live a