New Consciousness Review Spring 2016 | Page 47

INSPIRATION Electric. Alchemical. Vibrational. Sense-ational. Desire and transcendence. Holy fire and ripened purity... bursting and blazing. stories and potential inside us. And...yes...the relationship with ourselves and the Divine is key and determines the depth and growth levels. But avoiding relationship? It will stagnate you. The same as never knowing how to be alone. Balance. Openness. Willingness. These are ingredients for happy & healthy connections. And to step up and dive in or walk away and let go with as much love as possible. Tender sweetness and volcanic eruptions. Naked isn’t in the flesh. It’s in the eyes. The touch. The silence. Absence. Presence. The whimpers and whispers. It’s the grace space between lips. The pause and the thrust. The invitation and the completion. Naked. It’s how we are created. It’s how we are born. It’s every Garden of Eden and every forbidden fruit. We are gods and goddesses. Real and scarred and flawed and perfect. Naked is the soul. Naked is our light. Naked is our true source. Defenseless and bare, we are born infants into a new dawn. REALationships Brevity or longevity are not necessarily markers of a “successful” relationship anymore. A successful relationship is one in which you learn, and then apply, major soul growth lessons. One in which you get to a place where you never blame or credit the other person for your happiness or misery. It doesn’t matter whether you stay friends after a breakup or never speak again. It’s about...did we complete our spirit mission together? What did we learn about love and life? Did we grow? There is no such thing as a “failed relationship”. Every relationship gives us powerful gifts, tools and lessons. They are all mirrors of beliefs, programs, 47 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW “The man who fears being possessed or owned by a woman can never give his heart fully. The woman who fears losing herself in a relationship with her man can never find herself fully.” ~ CAW (Again: Always feel free to use whatever gender combos/pronouns) apply for you. I once thought intimacy was attachment, engagement, communion, affection, shared presence, vulnerability, authenticity. Then I went in the other direction. I thought intimacy was detachment, overcoming desires, trying to give or receive unconditional love, lack of expectation, not taking things personally, not being needy, not having an object for your love. Now I see the eloquent and erroneous bullshit of ALL that stuff. Total fear... with different faces. Both are equally illusions. The gushy sentimentality and the cold rationality. It’s none of that. It’s neither avoidance nor immersion. It’s letting it all be whatever it is and not judging it or trying to change it. For me the dance of true intimacy is not between you and your higher self or you and the divine. It’s not between you and another person. It’s not a war between mind and heart. It’s seeing all of that and holding it gently. It’s the dance that blooms from moving past these absurd isolating or codependent extremes. It’s the passion AND the compassion. It’s juicy and alive. It’s messy and delicious. And it also has ebbs and flows and learning curves. Crunchy crackle and shimmery sparkle. Life IS relationship. We can make it easy or we can make it complicat-