Vaccine Whistleblower
By Kevin Barry
The following excerpt from “Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research
Fraud at the CDC” provides an Executive Summary of four legally recorded phone
conversations between Dr. Brian Hooker, a scientist investigating autism and vaccine
research, and Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist in the vaccine safety division
at the Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC). Thompson is still employed
at the CDC under the protection of the federal Whistleblower Protection Act.
“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived
and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.”
—John F. Kennedy
t a town hall meeting in Los Angeles
on June 17, 2015, Dr. Brian Hooker
revealed that he and Dr. Thompson
had spoken on the phone over thirty times. Dr. Hooker legally recorded
four of those calls.
“. . . Over the period of November 2013 to August
2014, I had over thirty separate phone conversations
with Dr. Thompson. He initially reached out to me in
an unsolicited phone conversation to my cell phone.
Dr. Thompson and I had talked on the phone and
exchanged email correspondences much earlier, between 2002 and 2004, back when I was trying to advise the CDC on their vaccine safety studies related to
childhood neurodevelopmental disorders. However,
the CDC curtailed my conversations with him in 2004
due to my family’s participation in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program where we were
seeking remuneration for my own son’s vaccine injuries. The phone calls from November 2013 to August
2014 were secret and Thompson did not let CDC officials know that he and I were talking as that could
have cost him his employment.
I made the decision to record four of the last phone
conversations I had with Dr. Thompson, without his
knowledge, based on the revelation of harm to children, caused by the CDC’s very dysfunctional and
even criminal vaccine safety program. These recordings were obtained legally and involved advice from
legal counsel in each instance. . . .”