“Suzanne is an exceptionally gifted visionary and practitioner. Trust me on this ...
I know from first-hand experience.” Dr. Wayne Dyer
vidential medium Suzanne Giesemann’s popular “Let Your
Spirit S.O.A.R!” course is now available in a 6 DVD set with 60
page workbook or online version. Using the S.O.A.R. acronym,
she connects the dots to illustrate a clear path to greater
awakening, sharing techniques for instantly and easily
bringing into practice the right ideas and tools you need at any
given moment. The result is not just more love and peace in every
moment, but total transformation.
www.SuzanneGiesemann.com/soar or
Photography by: Paula Orlando
“I am experiencing the SOAR workshop that you developed. Until now, I have been reading and learning the
truth of who I AM, but I had yet to deeply experience it. I never dreamed what a profound impact you would
have on my life.” W.M. St. Louis
“Full of deep and glowing wisdom, S.O.A.R. is perfectly titled. This was created from profound experience,
documented evidence (of a greater reality), and delivered with a kind of supercharged energy you feel in every
lesson. Suzanne’s important new program is supported by powerful anecdotes that lift the spirit and inspire
hope.” Barry Mack, Portland