Dancing with our daimons
then is about transforming our perceptions as we
transform ourselves. Just
as these ministering spirits
may appear more foe than
friend at first, how we perceive them determines how
we work with the tension
they gift us – emotionally
or creatively. Once we are
clear about our intentions
for welcoming change, as
we shift from one state of
being to the next, a new
awareness is required. As
we hold the space for the
new intention to enter into
our life, the remnants of old
beliefs, attitudes, and habits may surface for a period
of time. Here is the critical
choice point – if we observe
these old energies for what
they truly are – a psychic
de-cluttering that wants to
happen from deep within,
then there is no need to be
triggered and dragged back
into the fear-filled vortex
of old issues. Yet this is often the chasm where dread
makes us turn around and
go back to what is familiar,
albeit painful. In order to
keep moving forward there
is another option. By observing with emotional detachment and gratitude we
can thank and release what
wants to move through us
with acceptance and love.
Even if we shed a few tears
or let out a few long sighs,
we can see this as stagnant energy just needing to
move and release to create
room for inspired energies
within us to expand.
By observing with emotional
detachment and gratitude we
can thank and release what
wants to move through us with
acceptance and love.
As you dream your creations into being remember that life is
change, and change involves tension. Exploring how you engage with these tense moments will allow you to consciously
shift from fearful fluctuations to playful potentials. Your daimons
exist to motivate you to create – not to stay stuck. As pioneering psychologist Carl Gustav Jung explained, your daimons are
not under the ego’s control, and the process itself can feel so
intense because it provokes so many inner conflicts. Jung described this intensity as being “in the grip” of a force that took
over him. Both intrusive as rowdy guests, and as protective as
your guardian angel, your daimons guide you out of your conditioned comfort zone into a re-discovering of your authentic
self. When we begin to understand how to dance the dance
of transformation, ‘change and tension’ become allies so that
we can partner beautifully on life’s dance floor and dance our
dreams into a beautiful reality.
Pollyanna Blanco is a full-time art educator, writer, ChakradanceTM Facilitator, and Reiki Master who has passionately pursued dance since the age of three. She has been
named the 2013 North American Imperial Pro-Am Show
dance Champion and the Best of the Best Participant representing the Spring Tulip Classic at the 2013 Ohio Star
Ball. Pollyanna loves supporting people as they dance
their creative journey.