life. If we don’t show up fully with that piece,
that purpose, then someone else might not be
able to set their piece in place – as we are all
interconnected each piece hinges on another,
if you will. Ultimately we all have a purpose. I
call that purpose your life lesson – your lesson
in joyful living. And while many believe we each
come with a lesson, some understand that finding the lesson, living your purpose is only half
of the equation. The other half is sharing that
lesson – showing up for others.
As a Success Coach, one of the toughest things
that I’ve come to see over and over again is the
pain of someone who has a voice – a vision that
is meant to reach the world to help bring healing, peace, growth or purpose for others and
for whatever reason it falls short. Their message
just isn’t getting out. They just aren’t finding the
right format for being seen – being heard. It frustrates and it pains them, it frustrates and pains
me to see them – stuck. And to compound that
discomfort is my understanding of soul agreements, the other half of that equation in lessons
in joyful living.
Look, if you feel that I’m speaking directly to you
right now – you know that your book, program,
product, or service will help others heal, find
peace, access joy or abundance. You know this
because it worked for you. You know this be-
cause it’s worked for the clients you’ve served.
You have this deep-seated burning passion and
desire to help as many people as you can. To
inspire others to their highest outcome. You are
one of the people who truly gets why we have
to walk these paths – why we have these lessons. And why it’s so important to share them
with others. You get the other half of the equation.
Meanwhile, if you spend just five minutes on
the Internet on any given day chances are you
are being marketed to by someone who’s offering Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram
among other things as the solution to reaching
your tribe, the solution to sharing your vision
– your voice. And I’m not going to say they’re
wrong; these are great platforms for connecting with people. But again, you’re only looking
at half of an equation. The thing you have to
understand is that you’re playing in someone
else’s sandbox – this is not your real estate. And
unless you have real estate of your own (website, blog, book, radio show) and know how to
convert these connections from social media to
your real estate all you’re doing is competing in
a popularity contest. Lessons in Joyful Living
Radio is part of my real estate and Lessons in
Joyful Living Radio Network is helping others
establish their real estate, helping others own a
much larger platform.
While doing my research to step into that larger platform, to
build that bigger piece of real estate there are few things I found
necessary that not all formats necessarily provided or shared.
1. 00% ownership of your con1
tent – I had been approached
by reality TV production on
more than one occasion to
share my content. Unless you’re
the money behind the show or
a big enough name, you simply
don’t have final say as to how
the product is ultimately portrayed – and understand in no
uncertain terms, that product
is you. While many networks
offer full ownership (we do),
know that not everyone does –
read the fine print.
2. artner in development
– while the platform I
was originally on came
light years short of this
concept, I surrounded myself with others
who had been successful in the industry. Our
network offers a team
of partners from sales
and marketing to vocal
coaching and a speech
3. tatistical data – many netS
works are unable to provide
you with certified statistics
specific to your program.
And I’ve even encountered
a handful of networks who
frankly, will tell you numbers
don’t matter. If you don’t
know where you are how can
you determine where you’re
going? We provide certified
monthly statistics – program