By Dr. David Villarreal
Your Immune System is at
Risk with the Wrong Dental
Filling Material...
And Protective Protocols are
Paramount for Silver Filling
Most people don’t realize
that their fillings can be
highly dangerous to their
overall health.
e have decapitated the
patient and forgot that
what we place in a person’s mouth has a direct effect on their immune system via the
meridian pathways. If
someone has a silver filling, that person’s body is
burdened by the mercury content in those fillings.
If they have a porcelain crown, they might have
a nickel-based metal. Mercury and nickel are the
heaviest metals on this planet - and mercury is the
most toxic. That being said, we are adding another
burden to our bodies, which already have to deal
with so many other burdens like diet, environmental pollutions, and stress!!
Bio-compatible dentistry is the cutting edge of holistic healthcare. We do a blood test for dental material reactivity. Reactivity is the amount of change
that occurs within the immune system when it is
subjected to a foreign substance like dental materials. Once we test and have the information, we
are attempting to use a material that is the “least”
reactive to that person’s personal immune system.
Here in our office in Southern California, we have
removed more than 20,000 “silver fillings”-which
have as much as 50% mercury. But the traditional way of removing them is potentially a problem.
Is it ok to bite into a thermometer? No, because
of the mercury it contains. Then why is it ok just
to drill out a silver filling, allowing the patient to
swallow some of it -- even using high speed suction? Strict protocols protect the patient, dentist,
staff and the environment.
When we do mercury filling removal, we wear special gear, including two-valve gas masks, gloves
and contamination-free coverings. The patient is
provided complete draping and protective eyewear. We then lay a rubberized protective covering
in the mouth that segregates the excise area from
the rest of the soft tissue and teeth. As the drilling