people responsible for your experience or trying to
fix, change, get rid of or fall into what is going on.
The first is compulsions. We are all compulsive
and you can be compulsive about anything!
Rather than being something that is wrong
with you that needs to be controlled, your
compulsion becomes something to be curious about. For whenever you are interested in
turning away from yourself through a compulsion, there is a part of you close to the surface
of your awareness that is asking for the light of
your attention. Your compulsion, rather than
a problem to be solved, becomes a guide in
showing you what is asking to be seen and released. You do this through your ability to be
very curious, in a spacious and nonjudgmental way, about what is happening inside of you
before, during and after a wave of compulsion.
The same is true for illness. Anything that is
out of balance in your body is the body asking for you to listen to it and be with it in a different way. And yet you were never taught to
listen. Instead of being responsible for your
experience (which is the ability to respond),
you were taught to try to get rid of the discomfort through pills and surgery. And when that
doesn’t fully work, you (like most people) tend
to numb yourself out through food, alcohol
and cigarettes, trying to make the discomfort
go away. Pills and surgery do have their place,
but most of the imbalances in our bodies come
from the ways we attempt to resist what we
are experiencing. These can be easily brought
back into balance by trusting that Life is inviting us to be with ourselves in a different way
and listening to that.
The third area is the aches and pains you experience. You were taught to contract around the
painful feelings inside of you. Over the years,
your chronic patterns of holding can turn into
painful necks, back spasms and overly acidic stomachs. In these areas of holding in your
body, if you take the time to listen to them, you
can hear the old beliefs and the feelings that
are bound up there that caused you to tighten that area in the first place. In that listening,
there is the possibility of the bound up energy
beginning to soften and let go.
Pills and surgery do
have their place, but
most of the imbalances
in our bodies come
from the ways we
attempt to resist what
we are experiencing.
The fourth area is finances, which is loaded
with opportunities to fuel the stories of struggle in our heads. There is so much fear around
being supported which taps into our core mistrust of Life. The underlying spell is “There is
not enough.” We will overwork to make sure
we have what we feel is enough. We will also
hoard, manipulate, gamble, lie and even steal
to calm down this deep belief. Then, if all of our
controlling and manipulating doesn’t work,