The key to losing
weight... easy!
Train your brain and say goodbye
to diets… forever!
The truth is...
You are stuck in a vicious cycle going from failed diet to bouts of secret
indulgence, from deprivation to frustration, maybe even from fat to obese…
The secret enemy inside of you
Brain-training experts Joy Martina,
Ph.D., and her husband Roy
Martina, M.D, are creators of
Sleep Your Fat Away, a groundbreaking approach to weight loss,
and authors of the comprehensive,
step-by-step guidebook Sleep Your Fat
Away (Morgan James) coming
to Amazon in April 2015. Joy and
Roy are passionate about health,
longevity and fitness. They describe
themselves as “health food lovers,
exercise maniacs and happiness
addicts” who never go to bed angry
or stressed.
You are fighting a war against yourself and unconsciously setting yourself up
for failure…and the worst part is you don’t even know it!
The key to peace and weight loss lies inside of you – and it is well hidden in
the depths of your subconscious mind.
You are not consciously aware of the biggest sabotage inside of your brain:
Your subconscious mind rules how you think, re-act… and eat. What? Yes!
You are fighting an enemy that is way stronger than you: yourself!
The good news is: You can actually change that!
No magic, no woo-woo, no willpower, no pills and no diets.
By training your brain to work for you in an efficient way, you get it to
automatically reach your goal: Painless, effective, long lasting and healthy
weight loss for life!
Make a choice – decide to reach your desired weight
& get your Sleep Your Fat Away program!
Our unique and revolutionary technique allows you to
train your brain while you sleep!
It is just like having your personal coach at your bedside.
Here’s how you do it:
• Listen to the audios: Download your Sleep Your Fat Away audios, place your mp3
player or phone next to your bedside and have our sleep program running all
night (at a barely audible level, no headphones needed!)
• Take a short power break and listen to our special daytime fat burner audios, once
or twice a day. One of them is the famous Virtual Gastric Band session!
• Follow 5 very simple guidelines (one of them being: When you’re hungry: EAT!)
• Balance your emotions, de-stress and bust cravings with 2 super effective
techniques whenever you feel stressed or tempted to give in to a craving attack
Visit our website today: