describing it as “the creative meeting place between the deeper subjective parts of the self
and the outer perceived reality that we experience as the objective world of sense impressions.”
The words come alive in this
book, so that one embodies
what it teaches, leading
to remarkable discoveries
about our nature and
identity as a multi-layered
Interweaving the “speaking” insight with
his own understanding of what was spoken, he paints a clear picture of how we organize our experience to perceive the way
we do. The book concludes with a short
course of playful practices— 40 incremental steps that give the experience of working with the three skills described.
The words come alive in this book, so that one
embodies what it teaches, leading to remarkable discoveries about our nature and identity
as a multi-layered being. Highly recommended.
Review by Julie Clayton
A compelling song to touch your soul and
inspire you to reach for the stars.
Written and performed by
singer - songwriter Kara
Composed by Fabrizio
Pigliucci, renowned I talian
composer and orchestrator
Recorded live by Italy’s
finest film orchestra – The
Concertissimo Orchestra
MESSAGE OF HOPE is an anthem for all who dare
to hope through difficult times, and a shiny beacon for those filled with pain, hurt and suffering.
“I was caught off guard by how deeply Fabrizio Pigliucci’s melody touched me. I was enraptured and
instantly knew that I had to bring it out further into
the world. I became a die-hard fan of his wonderfully monumental works, and Fabrizio gifted me with
his friendship and a most productive collaboration.”
The song is available for purchase on CD Baby here: