New Church Life September/October 2017 | Page 88

new church life: september/october 2017 Women’s Participation Task Force. (See above.) Executive Director David Frazier expects the fiscal year 2017 budget to have a slight surplus. A report was presented on rough data for the last 10 years on expenses of the General Church, employees, student enrollment and worship attendance around the world, and how resources are being used. Charlotte Gyllenhaal shared her reflections as outgoing chair of the Education Committee. She thanked fellow board members for their service and the General Church Education staff for all they are doing to support our schools and congregations. General Church Outreach discussed the causes of the discontinued Austin, Texas, church plant, the uses performed there, and the lessons learned. The Office of Advancement is increasing communications with email contacts throughout the year and at church festival times, and phone calls are made regularly expressing appreciation for contributions. The number of donors increased from last year but total donations were down. The Theological School Committee reported there will be four students this year. A letter has been sent to new theologs making them aware of the financial support they are receiving from the General Church. Lacking a volunteer to serve as liaison with the Academy Board, the thought is to blend this in with the Communication Committee, perhaps with representation from the Academy administration. bryn athyn college: a new year Angella Irwin Marketing Communications Manager Enrollment Growth Enrollment at the College is growing robustly. While final numbers are unavailable at the time of publishing, compared to last year, freshman enrollment is on track for a 35% increase, and total enrollment is expected to increase by 20%. In addition to these encouraging statistics, the overall name recognition of Bryn Athyn College is expanding in the southeastern Pennsylvania and mid-Atlantic markets. Due to increased communications efforts, athletic success, and expanded conference and camp activity on campus, there are more people getting to know Bryn Athyn College and its mission. President Brian Blair noted: “People not only recognize our name and that we are a faith-based school, but they also understand that we offer a specifically New Church environment.” Dual Enrollment Program For the first time, Bryn Athyn College and Academy of the New Church 442