New Church Life September/October 2017 | Page 72

new church life: september/october 2017 any angel or spirit, but from the Lord alone while he read the Word, was lead to present the teachings contained in the Earths In The Universe, regardless of what people of his age or any future age might judge concerning them. Still some have suggested that while it is clear that Swedenborg was totally serious and believing about what was revealed  in this book through him, perhaps he was somehow misled by spirits and/or angels, at least in some cases, as to the planets or moons  with which spirits and inhabitants were to be associated. It is thought that the information in Swedenborg’s own mind would be a limiting factor in this regard, not that angels, especially,  would deliberately mislead him.  I find such a position impossible to sustain in the light of what is said in the opening passage in Arcana Coelestia, that introduces the whole inter- chapter series there “On The Inhabitants Of Other Earths.”  Speaking of the identity of the angels, spirits and inhabitants in the discussion to follow, Swedenborg notes that he was given “open instruction from heaven as to whence they were.” (Arcana Coelestia 6695) What does this mean? Were the angels responsible for the identification of the various earths? I think not, because of how the Lord elsewhere describes how revelations are given from heaven and indicates what is meant by such a  frequently used phrase as occurs in this number. “Whether it be said, that these revelations are out of heaven, or are from the Lord, it is the same; because the Divine of the Lord with the angels constitutes heaven, and nothing whatever from the angels’ proprium (selfhood, or what is their own).” (Apocalypse Explained 8; see also the explanation given in a passage such as Apocalypse Revealed 943) From other teachings I believe it is apparent that if angels unintentionally were misleading Swedenborg as to the correct identity of some earth or moon, Swedenborg would have perceived a sensible check within himself not to believe them.  There just does not seem to be even a whisper in any of the relevant teachings that Swedenborg was wrong as to what planet or moon that inhabitants were from. There are instances in which, at least for a while, Swedenborg was not certain where some people were from, but in these cases he is led to make this fact plain in the passage. We are not left to guess. In general, when it comes to where people were from, the “open instruction from heaven” given to Swedenborg, in the accounts that were published, is rather unequivocal. 426