New Church Life September/October 2017 | Page 41

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Rather it is one of many hereditary tendencies that are common to all people .
Third , many believe that since sexual orientation is genetically determined that therefore sexual behaviors are not contagious and pose no threat to marriage . The Writings contradict this idea .
Fourth , it is commonly believed that alternative sexual lifestyles can be stable , happy and fulfilling , but the Writings are specific about the ways that these behaviors inhibit people ’ s long-term happiness and peace .
Jeremy also included an appendix about women in the clergy and its relationship to this topic .
Due to the difficulty of doing justice to a sensitive subject by summarizing it further , those interested can find the paper simply by clicking on this link : http :// bit . ly / 2wa0ECS or typing it into your browser . Alternatively , go on www . newchurchthought . org . In the “ popular posts ” box , click the “ homosexuality ” post and scroll down to “ 2017 UPDATE .”
The first of two formal responses was from the Rev . Michael D . Gladish . He restated the myths as positive truths :
1 . Homosexuality does not spring from same-sex attraction , but from an interest in sex generally . 2 . It is no more genetically determined than other evils . 3 . Like all evils it is contagious and not limited to any portion of society .
A remedy to contagion is having moral expectations . 4 . Such relationships are never truly stable , happy and fulfilling , long term .
The Rev . Scott I . Frazier ’ s response took into account his experience with 18-24-year-olds . He said the paper did a great job of highlighting what the Heavenly Doctrines say . The other half of the battle is that young people are debating whether to believe them , as they do not read for obedience to documents . They easily see homosexual issues as matters of mercy and privacy and don ’ t see themselves as stakeholders in a family-centered society . Recasting the issue around sex-outside-of-marriage versus sex-in-marriage is good .
Nine responses from the floor touched on others ’ experience discussing these issues with young people ; and the need to take a heavenly perspective to appreciate marriage and recognize disorder for what it is ; the need to look for the good in those in disorder , and work from there .
Doctrine ’ s Proximity to the Source Tuesday ’ s final session was devoted to a topic resembling “ derived doctrine ” which has been discussed in the pages of New Church Life since the 1930s , although that term was never mentioned in the paper .
The Rev . Kurt Hy . Asplundh introduced the Rev . Christopher A . Barber and his paper , “ Introducing a Taxonomy of Doctrinal Construction .” After