New Church Life September/October 2017 | Page 21

    Christians among whom the Word is read constitute the breast of that grand humanity. They are also at the center of all, with Roman Catholics round about them. Around them are Muslims who acknowledge the Lord as a very great prophet and as the Son of God. After them come Africans. And the outermost periphery is composed of nations and peoples from Asia and the Indies. . . . All those who are in that grand humanity also face toward the middle where the Christians are. (Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture 105; see also Last Judgment 48; De Verbo 17; True Christianity 268) In this passage, and others like it, good Christians appear to be described as the best of the peoples in this world. Other passages, however, paint the typical citizen of the European world much differently. Many of the Gentiles, on seeing the way Christians live, find their teaching abhorrent. This is clear also from the fact that nowhere else is the way people live more despicable than in the Christian world. (Arcana Coelestia 916.3) People outside of the Church, called gentiles, lead a far more upright life than those inside the Church do, and they embrace far more readily that which true faith teaches. This matter becomes clearer still from souls in the next life. [3] From the so-called Christian world come the worst people of all, those in whom deadly hatred of the neighbor and deadly hatred of the Lord prevail. More than anybody else in the whole world they are adulterers. But this is not true of all other parts of the world. (Ibid. 1032) The vast majority of Christians today are inwardly either Arians or Socinians and any adoration they pay to Christ as God is merely hypocritical. (True Christianity 852.111) Passages like these assert that the average person of European descent is less likely, not more likely, to be a genuinely kind and thoughtful lover of God than the average Muslim, Jew, Asian or African. Specific statements drive this home. For example: More are saved from the gentiles than from Christians; as also the Lord said in Luke 13.28-30. (Arcana Coelestia 1059.2; also 2284.5, 2598.3) A greater proportion [of people] from Africa, than from other regions of the earth, are introduced into heaven. (Spiritual Experiences 453) Muslims are really extremely surprised (at the behavior of Christians in the next life), who themselves are easily taught, and allow themselves to be guided, and easily receive the faith. (Spiritual Experiences 480; also Divine Providence 255 Although the Islamic practice of polygamy is condemned, other aspects of that religion are praised. Less is said about the peoples of Asia, but what is said is very positive. For example, about the Chinese, we read that “evil spirits could not approach, because they were of a spiritual-celestial character.” (Last Judgment (posthumous) 131; also 132; True Christianity 279; Arcana Coelestia 2596, 2602) 375