New Church Life September/October 2017 | Page 54

new church life: september/october 2017 Brian sought response to two additions to the clergy handbook that he was proposing with the support of Consistory. The first affirms the clear teaching of the Word that marriage is between one man and one woman, joins them together in body and soul, is to continue to the end of life in this world, and that only adultery breaks this joining. It also encourages the use of the rite of betrothal and the practice of counseling couples at least six times in preparation for betrothal or marriage, and makes it explicit that marrying or blessing a same-sex union is a significant disorder which will lead to dismissal. This addition to the handbook was approved unanimously by a voice vote. The second addition was on subordination in the priesthood, to give a clearer picture of what is expected in our application of the teaching that there are to be governors (praefecti) in the church, among whom there is subordination. (See New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine 313.) As improvements in the wording were sought that would strengthen the idea that the Lord alone governs the church and that those of lower station should subordinate themselves to those in higher position, among other things, the proposed addition was tabled until those concerns could be addressed. Brian then highlighted a few points from his report on the Academy of the New Church, as chancellor: the reasons for the higher-than-expected budget deficit in the high school; the college’s hope to bring its deficit down further by higher enrollment; the proposed college student center is fully funded by contributions and should open in two years; and the break-even point for the college budget requires 480 students out of a capacity of 500, but the president, Mr. Brian G. Blair, believes we should plan beyond that. In response to discussion, several other points were raised: • How hard the schools work to make it possible for students to attend • The difficulty of overcoming expense barriers for international students who are not eligible for U.S. government loans • The efforts being made at the college to orient faculty to New Church culture, including donations which pay faculty to read the Writings over the summer • The fact that the college faculty council rese rves 80% of its vote for faculty with New Church background Women’s Participation Task Force The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr. then introduced the Report of the General Church Women’s Participation Task Force. He acknowledged that this is a sensitive subject for many in the church because many care strongly about it. The task force exists because rather than letting conflicting views fester, it is better to keep the conversation going with the hope of finding things most 408