New Church Life September/October 2017 | Page 52

new church life : september / october 2017
way that we say we feel emotions ; and “ delights ” as described in the Heavenly Doctrines are probably not analogous to the “ emotions ” in common parlance .
He said that the use of this ongoing study is to understand our feelings better . Judging by the active engagement of those participating in the interactive presentation and discussion , understanding our feelings in the light of the Heavenly Doctrines is a useful pursuit .
Relaxation Refreshments before dinner , as well as the clergy dinner , provided welcome time to discuss any of the ideas and issues raised at the meetings or arising from ministry back home or to exchange news about family and friends . During the entertainment section , light-hearted songs were offered by the Rev . Kenneth J . Alden ( sung at his last annual meeting in Boynton Beach ), the Rev . Grant H . Odhner , and the Rev . Elmo K . Acton ( both sung in celebration of the latter ’ s graduation from theological school ), and selected humorous or inspiring video clips were shown by the Rev . Charles “ Chuck ” E . Blair .
Friday , June 23
Moral Standards Support Spiritual Development After announcements , the Rev . Christopher A . Barber opened the first session with prayer and then introduced our final speaker , the Rev . Stephen D . Cole whose paper was titled : “ Freedom and Morality : The Necessity of Moral Judgments in Society .” He laid out the propositions his paper argued as these : 1 . That , at this day , no one can be saved until a spiritual conscience has been formed . 2 . That it cannot be formed unless a moral conscience has been formed first . 3 . That the latter is formed on the basis of the love of reputation , honor and gain , and from the fear of the loss of them .
4 . That a moral conscience , therefore , cannot be formed apart from a moral climate in which transgression of moral standards does , in fact , involve the loss of reputation , honor , or gain .
First , however , he argued two other propositions having to do with freedom . The gist of these was that genuine freedom is a free agency that we have by virtue of the faculty of freewill that gives us the ability to choose between good and evil . Such freedom is manifest in spiritual freedom and grows with regeneration . On the lower , rational ( moral ) and natural ( civil ) planes , freedom is limited or determined by what we love . As we are regenerated spiritual love flows down into the civil moral planes , exercising its choice to do