New Church Life September/October 2016 | Page 97

  “The conflicts and tensions that exist between nations, races and cultures seem so intractable that it is tempting to believe that peace isn’t possible, that things will never change. This is not true. It’s just that it takes more time than we would like for the process of blending so many peoples and cultures to take place. In the past most of the world’s peoples were isolated and seldom interacted with others very different from themselves. Now it is happening at a pace undreamt of just a few generations ago.” Consider all this within the perspective of history and the vision of the New Church being established on earth. Jeremy used as his text Micah 4:4: “Everyone shall sit under his vine and under his fig tree, and no one shall make them afraid; for the mouth of the LORD of hosts has spoken.” Imagine how many thousands of years we have lived with that promise. To our earth-bound experience, it defies patience. But in the spiritual continuum that the Lord sees, it is all in His order and moving in the right direction. Jeremy quoted Apocalypse Explained 461, explaining that the successive state of churches on earth is like “the successive states of a person who is being reformed and regenerated.” So the world is “growing up,” similar to the way we all do. “Combining this id ea with the one about connecting all people of the earth, it is not hard to imagine that the interactions between nations and cultures would at first be immature and difficult, and only gradually become more peaceful and positive, as the world ‘grows up.’ “An argument could be made that this blending of cultures and peoples is what is going on in the world today – even that it is the most important thing happening on this planet.” We may wonder if the eventual establishment of the New Church throughout the world will bring real peace, or if the Church will forever be a minority, but the Olympic Games do still offer “a vision of peace that includes everyone on earth. The intense competition can be seen as symbolizing the efforts needed by all people if that peace is really to happen.” That prophecy from Micah begins with the familiar: “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” It is easy to be pessimistic about where the world seems headed and how long it is taking to give hope to Micah’s vision. But Jeremy offers the counterpoint: “The world is growing up and coming together. The Word is being spread, and it is connecting us with heaven.” There is gold in our future. (BMH) 503