New Church Life September/October 2016 | Page 65

     ⁄     underlying Divine and heavenly melody. After having worked my way seriatim through the whole of the text twice, and having revisited selected portions a myriad other times, I have been always delighted anew by what I have discovered there. I have always reexperienced that same underlying harmony that exists in all Divine teaching, and have rejoiced in those powerful illustrative, down-to-earth, and practical confirmatory teachings that seem to especially characterize this work. Also, and very importantly for me, while reading and reflecting on the teachings in this work, I have experienced the same sense inside of me of the Lord speaking to me as I have experienced while contemplating teachings elsewhere in the Word of the Second Advent. Obviously, no one is required to accept this testimony as binding on themselves. All I would urge is that anyone considering the character of the text of The Spiritual Diary/Spiritual Experiences accept the Lord’s challenge, as presented in a passage such as Apocalypse Explained 190 – a challenge to those who are in a genuine spiritual affection of truth – and, having done so, then read and study the whole of the text for themselves with as open a mind as they can muster to the possibility that this text just may be Divine revelation. See what happens, and then, if one feels the urge, let us correspond in person or by email. I am only too aware of the futility of trying to convince someone that The Spiritual Diary/Spiritual Experiences is a part of Divine revelation when they have not yet read and studied it enough for themselves to form a valid opinion on the matter. The same holds true for a work such as Apocalypse Explained. If one has not read and studied it, how can they be staggered by its Divine and heavenly beauty – its precious gems of Divine good and truth covering the spiritual ground as far as the mental eye can see! As the old saying goes: “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” While advancing my testimony regarding The Spiritual Diary/Spiritual Experiences, I am well aware that the format appears problematic to some. For the most part we have in this text a long succession of recorded, journal type spiritual experiences, together with seemingly unconnected or loosely connected little doctrinal presentations. The text, for the most part, unlike some other Divine works, is not a seriatim explanation of the internal content of some portion of Scripture, or a tightly organized, systematic treatment of the doctrine that elsewhere has been given to us by the Lord out of heaven. Still, I would assert, as confirmed by a passage such as True Christian Religion 779, quoted above, that its contents were communicated to Swedenborg while he read the Word, and as a result, that he enjoyed that marvelous protection of his state of mind by the Lord while he observed spiritual phenomena and later was led to record them in a written text. I recall how some years ago the 471