New Church Life September/October 2016 | Page 100

new church life: september/october 2016 demoralized If Uncle Sam went to see a psychotherapist today, the diagnosis might well include such terms as: disheartened, dispirited, discouraged, depressed, disturbed, disconcerted, fazed, confused, thrown off balance and rattled. In a word . . . “demoralized.” We can see in that word the “root cause” of the malaise that has the postChristian West in its grip. “Demoralized” is generally used to describe a person or community suffering from a loss of confidence and hope, but we can see in the word a more essential meaning that explains the cause of the affliction, namely, loss of morality. A culture that divests itself of “traditional morality” in favor of a “new morality” (formerly known as immorality) is likely to find itself demoralized in every sense of the word. “Optimism” is often put forth as the solution to what ails us. But for it to be genuine, there has to be something to be optimistic about. To be uplifted we need to believe in forces for good which are higher, stronger and more reliable than our own schemes for advancement – namely, heaven, Divine providence, the Word of God, and the moral order derived from the Word that connects us with this help from above. (WEO) improving government Human beings are the only creatures with the ability to change their own nature. A horse is truly a horse from birth, but our potential to become fully and truly human requires our cooperation in order to be realized. We are born natural and ignorant, but with the potential to become spiritual and wise. Animals are governed by instinct, but the government we humans devise for ourselves is designed to restrain our natural instinct to act selfishly, and help us become useful to others. When individual human beings exercise spiritually enlightened reason to govern themselves, they make a conscious effort to restrain their baser impulses and impose spiritual order upon their natural lives. Civil government, ideally, does the same, thus assisting individuals in their quest to become better people. Not just better fed, housed, and cared for when sick – but better spiritually. The best civil government helps us in our quest to become better human beings. “If men were angels, no government would be necessary,” James Madison wrote. He was speaking of earthly government. In heaven, the angels are governed, but from within, by their love to the Lord and of their neighbors. They are governed by Divine truth and gladly submit to its leading. The more we on earth embrace this kind of free and rational self-government, the less external governance we will need and the more perfect it will be. (WEO) 506