New Church Life September/October 2015 | Page 113

  house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.” (Genesis 28: 16,17) That is the feeling we should have every time we open the Word: “Surely the Lord is in this place . . . and this is the gate to heaven.” That is the gift we have been given. It is a gift to treasure. It is a gift to use. And it is a gift to share. (BMH) a loss for new church life The unsung heroes of any publication are the proofreaders who read every word, diligently searching for mistakes in spelling, grammar and meaning. From the time we launched the new New Church Life almost five years ago one of our most dedicated and professional proofreaders has been Gwen McQueen Asplundh. With this issue she is giving up this noble volunteer work and we are enormously grateful for her conscientious pursuit of perfection. Gwen was joined from the beginning by her sister, Judy Hyatt (also retired), Noelene Rose, and more recently, Katie Goerwitz. We are blessed to have such a caring and committed team, with Gwen and Noelene as the indispensable anchors. We are also grateful that Alaine F. York has agreed to step in as Gwen's capable successor. Alaine retired last year as Secretary of the General Church. (BMH) correction In my July-August editorial (“Organized Religion”) I referred to the religion of the Dalai Lama and Tibet as Hinduism. It is, of course, Buddhism. (WEO) 545