New Church Life September/October 2015 | Page 11

 The Nunc Licet number in True Christian Religion concludes with an angel from the third heaven handing Swedenborg a piece of paper on which was written (“in rounded letters, such as they have in that heaven”) this invitation: “Enter hereafter into the mysteries of the Word, which has been heretofore shut up, for the particular truths therein are so many mirrors of the Lord.” (# 508) When the Lord is seen there, in those Divinely polished mirrors of revelation, He will also appear more and more in the various facts of nature disclosed in such abundance by modern science – for nature also, like the Divine Word that gave it form, reflects the beauty of the Lord. Then . . . “the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11:9) Truly, our cup runneth over! (WEO) 443