New Church Life Sept/Oct 2013 | Page 30

new church life: september / october 2013 education, clothes designing and cosmetology. More men than women go into computer technology, service trades and transportation. Firemen, policemen, truck drivers, electricians, plumbers and automobile mechanics are mostly men. Realty agents, clerks, secretaries, receptionists and house cleaners are mostly women. We encounter more waitresses than waiters. And so on. One could argue that cultural factors are at work here rather than innate predilections. But more than 40 years of social pressure to encourage women to enter occupations traditionally male, and to remove any stigma to men entering traditionally female occupations, have not changed the fact that there are still a number of careers in which either one sex or the other typically predominates. The mental and emotional difference between men and women is now the testimony of numerous psychological experiments as well, formally carried out and based on clinically charted empirical evidence. These studies show that women on the whole are more affectional and nurturing, while men on the whole are more analytical and inventive. The Testimony of Common Experience As for common experience, what adolescent male does not sooner or later find himself strangely attracted to one or more of the fair sex, in a way not experienced with any of his own sex? And conversely, what adolescent maiden does not sooner or later find herself strangely attracted to one or more of these same youths, in a way not experienced with any of her own sex? It is their very contrast that leads to the attraction. Neo-Darwinists ascribe this attraction to an innate need of the organism to reproduce itself and continue the species. But really, is that what a young man is thinking when he takes his girlfriend out to dinner? And is that what she is thinking when she is baking him his favorite cake? The Neo-Darwinists’ explanation is also insufficient to explain the continuing bond between married couples who love each other long past child-bearing age, even into old age and eventually death. The sexual attraction and bond are one whose causes rise above the merely physical into the realm of the mind, in which the two sexes are, as they say, made for each other. As the sexes are complementary counterparts bodily, they are also complementary counterparts mentally and emotionally – even more so mentally and emotionally – as evidenced in the case of happily married lovers everywhere. How the Sexes Are Alike As we have noted, psychological studies have shown women to be on the whole more affectional and nurturing, while men are on the whole more 464