New Church Life Sep/Oct 2014 | Page 6

new church life: september/october 2014 and believe. (Page 433) Bishop Brian W. Keith reports on an episcopal visit this summer to Kenya, where he says “the Lord is smiling on the Church,” after it weathered some hard times. He and his wife, Gretchen, plus a delegation from Helping Children in Crisis, saw happy orphans, teachers and administrators devoted to New Church education in their award-winning school, and hundreds of people participating in worship. (Page 438) Introducing Our Ministers focuses on the Rev. Bradley D. Heinrichs, pastor of the Carmel New Church in Caryndale, Ontario, Canada, who was welllaunched in a landscaping career when he got the call to plant spiritual seeds instead. He’s never looked back. (Page 443) In a sermon, “Do Not Worry About Tomorrow,” Mr. Heinrichs says that when we are inclined to fret about worldly issues, we need to remember the Lord’s words in the Sermon on the Mount: “Consider the lilies of the field.” The angels “exist in a state of peace,” he says, “because they have an unwavering belief that the Lord will provide for them every day what they need.” The Lord can lead us into the same state of peace, if we but believe also. (Page 446) The Rev. Dr. Reuben P. Bell, who is also a Doctor of Osteopathy, reviews the book by David Fuller, DO: Osteopathy and Swedenborg. Mr. Bell finds not only a fascinating history of osteopathy but a wonderful Swedenborgian perspective. “With careful documentation,” he says, “Fuller traces through all the common thread of Swedenborg’s causal system of spirit and nature. No newcomer to this topic, I nonetheless gained a new and global understanding of this impressive array of interactive influences.” (Page 452) The Rev. Walter E. Orthwein reviews a new book by the Rev. Prescott A. Rogers, The Triune Word. This is a revision of the Theological School dissertation Mr. Rogers wrote in 1985. Its publication is made possible by his Academy Class of 1964 and will be presented at their 50th reunion this Charter Day. Mr. Orthwein says the book is a masterful collection of complex ideas presented “in a unified, engaging, easy-to-read style.” (Page 455) The Rev. Alan Cowley, pastor of the Michael Church in London, England, sees great hope for the future of the Church in the kind of young people attending the annual British Academy Summer School. Other items in Church News include: plans for the annual Charter Day celebration in Bryn Athyn; the Colchester Society in England celebrating its 90th anniversary; the gift and installation of a new pipe organ – one of the finest in the world – in the Bryn Athyn Cathedral; the outlook for the new academic year in the Academy Secondary Schools; plans for next year’s women’s retreat – Gathering Leaves – in Cincinnati, Ohio; and four pages of beautiful photographs from around the Church. (Page 460) 392