New Church Life Sep/Oct 2014 | Page 8

new church life: september/october 2014 What makes us human is that we have been made free by the Lord to make our own choices. We live with the promise: “The truth shall make you free.” What we don’t always remember is what Jesus said to His followers immediately prior to that: “If you continue in My way, then you are My disciples indeed; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8: 31-32) “If you continue in my way.” Here again the Lord is offering a choice – to follow Him and thereby to know the truth that they might be free. That is our choice also, but it is easy to confuse liberty and license. It can seem counterintuitive that real freedom lies in knowing and honoring the truth – not ignoring it and doing whatever we please. That may feel freeing, but real freedom means living within God’s order and obeying the Ten Commandments. Where order is, the Lord is present, but where order is not, the Lord is not present. (New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine 279) The most obvious example of knowing and obeying truth and living in order are the rules of the road. When we drive on the proper side of the road, stop at red lights, and observe speed limits, we are free to travel wherever we want. If we ignore the rules we invite chaos. So it is with our lives. We educate our children to provide them with the knowledge and values to make good choices for their lives. With New Church education we take it a step further. In October in Bryn Athyn we celebrate the granting of the Charter to the Academy of the New Church in 1877 – and the continuing commitment of New Church education throughout the Academy and General Church schools. The mission of the Academy is to prepare students for lives of use in this world and the next. We educate these young people in the light of the Heavenly Doctrines so that they also may be comfortable and confident in making wise spiritual choices that are guided by Divine truth and lead them to heaven. Among countless lessons in the Word are Moses trying to teach the Children of Israel to make good choices – and to learn the right lessons when they chose badly, such as when they turned away from God in favor of Baal. Finally he put it to them: “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live.” (Deuteronomy 30:19) These people knew the blessings the Lord provided, and had suffered the “cursing” of their bad choices. Still they did not learn. And because we know that even though the stories of the Word are cast in ancient times, everything within it is really about our own lives, right now. We are the Children of Israel and Moses’ challenge is constantly before us as well. So is the conviction of Joshua, who succeeded Moses in leading the Children of Israel into the Promised Land: “Choose for yourselves this day 394