New Church Life November/ December 2015 | Page 36

new church life: november/december 2015 ignore it, tune out. And that might not be the best strategy for success. One time my wife and I were on a flight from Denver to London, but had to stop in Washington, DC. So on that first leg we did all the normal things: we ignored the flight attendants as they gave us the information we needed. Everyone continued what they were doing. A couple of hours into the flight someone came on the intercom and said, “The tire blew up when we took off and we need to prepare you for a crash landing,” then added, “We are going to go over the safety instructions again.” This time EVERYONE paid close attention. As we descended I held my wife’s hand and prayed and thought about a lot of things. There were a lot of those “should haves” that I thought about and those “what ifs”. As we got closer you could see out the window all the fire trucks and ambulances arriving alongside us. And we landed safely. There had been an error in reading the tire. It had mistakenly said that the tire had exploded. Life can be difficult. We can have our fair share of crash-landing moments. You have a unique opportunity to learn all about things that really matter in your life – more than anything else you learn in life ever will. Things that will last forever. Things about your eternal life. Not only how things function but the deeper questions of why? For what reason? How is God present in the world? How is God present in these tragedies? Why didn’t He stop them? Could He have stopped them? What is true happiness and how do I find it? So I invite you to pay attention to those safety instructions. There is vital information there for you! The greatest thing you will learn in your lifetime – and it will take your whole lifetime – is to learn how to love. To truly love – to love selflessly, to love wisely. And we need Divine help to show us how. We need Divine truth and revelation to show us. From many years of trying I can tell you it is tough! I still have so much to learn, so much to practice, and so much to change about myself. Part of me wishes I was just like a dog or some animal where I just could follow my instincts – eat, sleep, catch some Frisbees, be off the charts excited about just about everything. Where I don’t have to learn everything; it’s just built in. If I make a mistake I will be told, “Bad boy!” If I do the right thing I am told, “Good boy, that’s a good boy!” We are on a journey. We are being led somewhere. We may not know exactly where it is, but we need to trust that the Lord is there and He is with us on every step of that journey. 582