New Church Life November/ December 2015 | Page 13

 pope provides an essential focus for lack of leadership – in our country and in our lives. When the pope is gone, when the glamor is over, when we are left again with our consciences, we come down to the ultimate leadership of God in our lives and our willingness to follow Him – in freedom. (BMH) O U R N E W C H U RC H V O C A B U L A R Y Part of a continuing series developed by the Rev. W. Cairns Henderson, 1961-1966. DIVINE HUMAN This term holds the central idea in the theology of the New Church. It is applied to the Lord Jesus Christ as He is after glorification – the Divine love in a human form. Note that the Divine Human is not identical with the Supreme Divine, in which case it would have vanished in the Infinite. It is the body of Divine truth which the Lord took on from the Father, and which He united with the Supreme Divine as a body with a soul, between which two there is an infinitely perfect correspondence. The Divine Human is infinite because it is not a recipient of life, but is the esse of life from which life proceeds; but it is as if finite for the sake of reception. It is the sole object of worship in the heavens and in the Church on earth. (See Arcana Coelestia 2343, 2628, 5256; Apocalypse Explained 26; True Christian Religion 109) 559