New Church Life May/June 2017 | Page 48

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : m ay / j u n e 2 0 1 7 be completely impossible. For example, in True Christianity No.110 we read about a person who had fallen out of heaven because of the way he viewed the Trinity (the shading here indicates words in the main text that are not copied into the index – a perfectly normal situation): I asked him why he had fallen out of heaven like that. He answered that Michael’s angels had thrown him down. “It was because I voiced some of the beliefs I had convinced myself of in the world,” he said. “Among them was this one: God the Father and God the Son are not one; they are two. As it turns out, though, all who are in the heavens today believe that God the Father and God the Son are one like a soul and a body. But here is Swedenborg’s index entry for that passage. (The bold here marks additional details that appear only in the index entry – which is not at all normal for an index.) I . . . asked why he had fallen out of heaven like that. He answered that Michael’s angels had thrown him down, because he had said that God the Father and his Son are two, not one. He said that the entire angelic heaven believes that God the Father and his Son are one as a soul and a body are one – a point the angels support with many passages from the Word. They also use rational argumentation as support: they say the Son’s soul came from nowhere else but the Father; therefore that soul was an image of the Father, and the body that came from it contained that image. He added that when he was in heaven he of course spoke of one God, just as he used to do on earth; but because his verbal statements to this effect did not match what he was thinking, the angels said he did not believe in any God, because the two views cancel each other out. He said this was why he was thrown out of heaven. No Switch But in a way, doesn’t this make sense considering Swedenborg’s state? I mean, it’s not as though there was an enlightenment switch that Swedenborg turned on for writing his main text and then carefully turned off when he was cross- referencing and indexing. And why would he want to shut off his enlightenment while indexing? What would be the point? Put yourself in Swedenborg’s shoes for a moment – the Lord has appeared to you and heaven is opened to you. But it is confusing, and your whole world is being turned upside down. So much of what you have been taught is wrong and you have to relearn and retool your mind. Consider that the first appearance of an inner meaning to the Bible surfaces in passages in Swedenborg’s Bible indexes. And perhaps you have seen how seemingly random the entries in the main text of Spiritual Experiences are. But then look at the index of Spiritual Experiences – that material has been brought into much greater order. And 228