New Church Life May/June 2017 | Page 46

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : m ay / j u n e 2 0 1 7 New Jerusalem about the inner and outer self instead. Note the presence now of a flow from one statement to the next, with connective tissue and logical markers that I have italicized here – in fact you can ignore the references and read this as regular prose. The outer things in us are relatively remote from the Divine, so they are more obscure and general: 6451. They are also relatively disorganized: 996, 3855. Inner things are more perfect because they are closer to the Divine: 5146, 5147. There are thousands upon thousands of things in our inner self that appear as one general thing in the outer self: 5707. So the more inward our thinking and perception are, the clearer they are: 5920. It follows then that we should concentrate on what lies in the deeper levels: 1175, 4464. (New Jerusalem 47:2) So, given that Swedenborg wrote a rough copy and then a fair copy of the works he published, was it not enough that he wrote out the 4,563 pages of Secrets of Heaven by hand, with a quill pen, twice? No, he also went back and indexed it three times. We are welcome, of course, to omit the resulting material, but let’s at least hold in our hearts that a lot of work went into it. It is like a couple, and one says to the other: “Did you by any chance throw out the stuff in the brown pot from the fridge in the basement?” “Yeah, it was just old cabbage.” “Well, that old cabbage was actually sauerkraut I was making! I pounded that for hours and it has been brewing for three weeks!” “Oops! Sorry about that.” Likewise with Swedenborg’s indexlike material. It may look at first like old cabbage to us, but we should at least realize that he worked hard on that and felt it was important. New Content But even more significant than the sheer amount of work it took is that the resulting material contains things Swedenborg didn’t say anywhere else. This is not generally recognized. But anyone who has worked at checking cross- references in Swedenborg’s works can attest that doing so is a nightmare! Why? Let me give you an example from a parenthetical cross-reference in Secrets of Heaven 9410. Note the wording here in the redesigned standard edition: (That regeneration goes on up to the end of man’s life in the world, and afterward to eternity, see n. 8548-8553, 8635-8640, 8742-8747, 8853-8858, 8958-8969.) So here is a statement followed by not one, not two, but 36 references in five groups. Imagine you are the reference checker. “Okay, here we go!” you say to yourself. “To verify these references all I need is to find that statement in those passages and put in a checkmark.” So, you read No. 8548. Well, it is about the need for rebirth in order to go to heaven. But the passage says nothing about regeneration going on throughout our life and after death to eternity. Nos. 8549, 8550, and so on are also about regeneration, but say nothing of the 226