New Church Life May/June 2017 | Page 34

Another realization that enables us to “ turn and live ” is that when we “ go ” and work to “ sin no more ” the Lord is actually with us . He is providing the power and even doing the work in us in the measure that we let Him . responsibility for them ! But the Lord did not answer the Israelites in these terms when they felt hopeless . He said :
new church life : may / june 2017
Another realization that enables us to “ turn and live ” is that when we “ go ” and work to “ sin no more ” the Lord is actually with us . He is providing the power and even doing the work in us in the measure that we let Him . responsibility for them ! But the Lord did not answer the Israelites in these terms when they felt hopeless . He said :
“ As I live ,” says the Lord Yehowah , “ I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked , but that the wicked turn from his way and live . Turn , turn from your evil ways ! For why should you die , O house of Israel ?” ( Ezekiel 33:11 )
The path of hope lies in change , not in absolution . In the rest of that chapter the Lord makes it clear that our present efforts are what count . If we make one effort to turn from evil , it will make a difference .
When I say to the wicked , “ You shall surely die ,” if he turns from his sin and does what is lawful and right , if the wicked restores the pledge , gives back what he has stolen , and walks in the statutes of life without committing iniquity , he shall surely live ; he shall not die . ( Ibid . 33:14-15 )
When we resist evil and do good , our loves change ; evil is not able to keep its hold on us . On the other hand , if we turn to evil , it will also make a difference .
The righteousness of the righteous man shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression . . . ; nor shall the righteous be able to live because of his righteousness in the day that he sins . ( Ibid . 33:12 )
When we choose evil , our loves move toward it . It gains a foothold in us . No fund of righteousness can undo that movement , short of a new effort on our part to move back . In response to this the Israelites said : “ The way of Yehowah is not fair .” ( Perhaps they would rather He do it all for them .) But the Lord countered :
It is their way which is not fair ! . . . O house of Israel , I will judge every one of you according to his own ways . ( Ibid . 33 : 17 , 20 )
The fairness of the Lord ’ s way is that through it we are truly free and we matter ; our “ own ways ” count . And in this freedom lies our ability to achieve our heart ’ s desires ; in it lies our sense of ownership in the life we choose ; in this freedom lies our sense that we matter to others and to the Lord .
The Lord said to the woman , “ Neither do I condemn you . Go and sin no