New Church Life May/June 2017 | Page 40

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : m ay / j u n e 2 0 1 7 Century Contexts 10:45 Session 3: American Landscape Painting Chair: Dr. William Coleman, Winterthur/Library Comp. of Philadelphia • Dr. James Lawrence, GTU: Painter, Pastor: Spiritual Arc in William Keith • Dr. Adrienne Baxter Bell, Marymount Manhattan College: The Fact of the Indefinable: George Inness in the 1860s • Dr. Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, Georgetown University: A Tale of Two Christs: William Page’s Journey from Unitarianism to the New Church 1:45pm Session 4: Visionary Architecture and Sound Chair: Holly Mitchum, GTU • Dr. Kristen Schaffer, North Carolina State: Plan of Chicago and the Universal Human • Dr. Paul Ivey, University of Arizona: From New Church Architecture to City Beautiful • The Rev. Stephen Cole, Bryn Athyn College: Swedenborgians and the Arts and Crafts Movement 4:15 5:00 6:30 • Dr. Graham Bier, Bryn Athyn College: Toward an Internal Sense: C.J. Whittington Tour of Bryn Athyn Cathedral: Dr. Martha Gyllenhaal Self-guided tours of Glencairn Museum Wine reception in Glencairn Cloister (weather permitting) Banquet in Glencairn’s Great Hall Thursday, June 8: Swedenborgian Imaginaries 9 a.m. Welcome and opening remarks: Introduction of Dr. Massimo Introvigne 9:15 Keynote: Dr. Massimo Introvigne, Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR): Concentric Circles 10:45 Sessions 5: William Blake and His Critics Chair: Dr. Rebecca Esterson, Center for Swedenborgian Studies at the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) • Dr. Martha Gyllenhaal, Bryn Athyn College: William Blake’s Watercolors of the Last Judgment • Dr. Matthew Leporati, College of Mount Saint Vincent: Swedenborg’s Conjugial Love and Blake’s Erotic Poetics 220