New Church Life May/June 2015 | Page 27

   seeing that the Lord gets it. He created us. He understand us. And when we’re not measuring up to the ideal, that’s nothing He hasn’t seen before. That has been the history for literally thousands of years. It’s unlikely that we can mess things up worse than other people already have. You name it, people have done it – greed, promiscuity, deceit, human sacrifice. But still God wanted to be with His people. Still He was reaching out to them – calling them to turn back to Him, promising restoration and comfort and rebuilding. No matter what you’ve done or where you are in your life, the Lord wants you to be part of His New Church. The Church has always been for real people. The New Church is for real people. It’s not something out there. Yes, the Word and the teachings of the New Church are perfect and beautiful and Divine. But if nobody reads them and thinks about them and tries to live them then they’re just a pile of dead trees and ink. Or like the most beautiful church ever built with nobody inside it. The Church does not exist apart from people. (Secrets of Heaven 1068, 4292:1) As soon as we try to read and think about and live the teachings of the Church we run into difficulties. We battle to understand things. We battle even more to apply even basic things we understand. We get conceited and selfrighteous about the little we do know. And so we have to get over ourselves and get back on our feet and keep going back to the Lord to try again. In no other way does the New Church become something real in us and real in the world in general. This is what it means to be part of the Lord’s Church – to be part of the people called out by the Lord to follow Him – to be part of the New Jerusalem. In the final vision at the end of the Bible, the Lord could have just called it “The Holy City” with no name attached or with some new name that we’d never heard before. Instead He chose to name it Jerusalem – a city with all its history, good and bad. But it was the new Jerusalem. “He who sat on the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new.’” (Revelation 21:5) It is a city and a church for God’s imperfect people that He will make new if they will let Him. Jerusalem’s past was corrupt but He made it new. Our own pasts have not been perfect but we People in the Church are those who have the Church in them. People in the New Church are people who have the New Church in them – in their minds, in t