New Church Life May/Jun 2014 | Page 54

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : m ay / j u n e 2 0 1 4 I think our goal for helping new members of the Church should be not simply to bring them into the body, but to help them find the specific place, the particular small group and specific church use that is right for each person. move a limb, or even a little finger, if it were not bundled together with thousands of other fibers pulling alongside of it. Bone cells could not give any structure to the body without being locked to other similar cells to form a bone. And neither bones nor muscle could function without bundles of nerve fibers carrying message to and from the sensory and motor parts of the brain dedicated to each particular limb. Likewise, small groups create synergy among individuals to help them accomplish more. Small Groups Provide Variety One of the advantages of small groups in the Church is that they provide greater variety. Heaven as a whole becomes more perfect as more people enter. Every perfection in the heavens increases with increase of number. (Heaven and Hell 418) If bigger is better, does that mean that large groups are better than small groups? No, it is not a case of “either/or,” because large groups can be formed of smaller groups, and the increase in perfection results from an increase in variety. The human form is not made up of many cells that are all identical, nor of a variety of cells randomly mixed together. Rather the wide variety of cells are all grouped with other cells that serve a common function. Likewise, every community on earth is a reflection of the human form and is made of a variety of people formed into smaller groups with others who have similar functions and qualities. Every unity has its existence from diversity, for a unity that is not the result of diversity is not anything; it has no form and therefore no quality. When, on the other hand, a unity comes into existence from various parts, and these various parts are in a perfect form in which each attaches itself in series, like a congenial friend to another, then the quality is perfect. (Heaven and Hell 56) Small groups make it possible to have variety within a congregation. A congregation may have groups: • for people who are needy • for people who have a lot to give • for people who want to learn 262