New Church Life May/Jun 2014 | Page 32

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : m ay / j u n e 2 0 1 4 the “doctrine of the New Church in the form of a City.” (Apocalypse Revealed 896) The “City of New Jerusalem” truths were the same ones taught by Enoch’s Word in the mind, the Ark of “Noah.” Of course, Enoch’s Codex would have been less than the 30 volumes we now have, perhaps as short as New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine (London 1758), which has all doctrines in summary form. This preservation is exciting to contemplate: the Code of Enoch. We return to the question, “Where did Noah run to, escaping destruction?” Could the cave art of the Lascaux and Chauvet caves in France, and most recently in Altamira, Spain, be where and how this knowledge was preserved?3 This art dates from 46,000 to 19,000 B.C. Prominent among the animals depicted are bears. Bears signify or mean the fallacies or reasoning from the literal sense of the Word. (Ibid. 573, Apocalypse Explained 782) Cave art is full of animals, and during the flood, “they knew the meaning of animals.” (True Christian Religion 833:2) Those bears could indicate the act of preserving Enoch’s Word. In fact, a skull of a bear was found in one cave, just sitting on a stone pillar, as if left yesterday, but 20,000 years ago, as if to ask, “Get it?” It is like a signature. And in Australia the aborigines, all CroMagnon survivors among us, depict the “rainbow serpent” called Borlung or Ngyalod,4 5 commemorating their Dreamtime legend surely referring to the flood. They bring the Eden serpent and Noah’s rainbow – the flood’s duration – into one single creature. Their tales of Dreamtime, a living mythology, could refer to the mental awareness and revelation their ancestors actually experienced during the flood. This huge hiatus – from the end of one church or religion until the beginning of a new church or religion – demarcated the duration of the flood. It was a flood of sin, reflected in the Swedish term for Noah’s Flood: “Syndafloden.” And a flood of sin it was. During those 10,000s 3  Images from Chauvet Cave art.; _ylt=A0PDoX8ABeJP5DQABYOJzbkF?p=chauvet%20cave&fr=yfp-t-701&ei=utf-8&n=30&x=wrt&fr2=sggac&sado=1 4  New Philosophy 1988, Borlung and the Rainbow Serpent, p. 665. 5 boriginal+wall+art 240