New Church Life May/Jun 2014 | Page 30

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : m ay / j u n e 2 0 1 4 with apes. However this may be, the “flood” itself came through a drowning by self-suffocation. It sounds horrible. But as we all know, thought goes together with breathing, even today. “It is similar with every person: when anything opposes his loves, there is a choking of the breath.” (Ibid. 1119) That was the real flood. During the ‘flood,’ this became lethal. For all their thoughts were accompanied by breathing, so closely parallel that they could not think differently from their breath, nor could they breathe properly if their thought strayed into a false idea. (Ibid. 607.2,3, 805.2) Their faces shone with their loves; they could not simulate in the slightest, nor did they wish to. (Ibid. 1118) But the beginning of ‘evil’ was a human invention. In freedom, human beings began to wonder if they could discover truth by verifying empirically what they knew to be true, by experimental input. By saying in effect, “Stop talking, God. I want to see if what you are saying is true, by myself!!” They turned away from God, and “looked to themselves” (Charity 204), and desiring to feel life in oneself (Arcana Coelestia 146), thus by “turning away from God they implanted the origin of evil in themselves. (Ibid. 444.4) Evil arose from “the opposite side” – and it is evil even though it is nothing of good, “not nothing” (Ibid. 444.3), i.e., it has its own malignancy. With this invention, began the decline we have been tracing, down through Cain and Enoch, and it now came to a culmination: the thought that God exists nowhere but in oneself. (Ibid. 1268) This grossest of heresies was more and more confirmed. Imagine how this affected their breathing, even more so than with us. They literally choked to death on the idea that “God exists only in me.” Thus the Lord let that church “extinguish itself.” (Ibid. 586, 5910) “They became extinct of themselves.” (Ibid. 607 805) That is how “God destroyed all living things on the face of the ground” in the flood. (Genesis 7.23) That was the real flood. Those were the “giants” and the Last Judgment upon them. (Arcana Coelestia 4183, 4333) The Lord who alone IS God was, of course, preventing destruction: that is why He began His Advent at that time! Did you know that? “Lord’s presence with Noah” meant by “God spoke to NOAH” (Arcana Coelestia 903-905 added emphasis), was the start of the Advent. “The Lord would have been obliged to come into the world immediately after the fall of the Most Ancient Church, called Man or Adam, for there was an immediate prophecy of the LORD’S Advent. (Genesis 3.15). And what is more, the human race of that time could not otherwise have been saved.” (Arcana Coelestia 2523) So the Lord began His Advent, preserving from destruction by simultaneously instructing the remnant of the Most Ancient Church and 238