New Church Life March/April 2017 | Page 12

new church life : march / april 2017
cannot fall to the ground without His notice , is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid ? We have been assured , Sir , in the sacred writings , that ‘ except the Lord build the House they labor in vain that build it .’ I firmly believe this ; and I also believe that without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel .”
In the 230 years since – and throughout all of history – the Lord ’ s providence has watched over “ the affairs of men ” in all nations . We have witnessed much horror and evil in those times – and much recovery and hope . America and the world still are anxious places but the Lord and His providence always offer the calming antidote : “ Peace has within it confidence in the Lord , that He directs all things , and provides all things , and leads to an end that is good .” ( Arcana Coelestia 8455 )
( BMH ) religious feelings : holy fear and unworthiness
We began this series in the January / February issue on the feelings of awe and mystery that a sense of the Lord ’ s presence brings . This was expressed by Jacob when he awoke from his dream , saying : “ Surely the Lord is in this place , and I knew it not ! And he was afraid and said : How fearful is this place ! This is none other than the house of God , and this is the gate of heaven !” ( Genesis 28:16,17 )
Jacob had stolen his brother Esau ’ s birthright , and was afraid that God was now going to punish him . But the better part of his nature caused him also to feel “ holy fear ” – which is a fear , not just of being punished for our sins , but of sinning itself .
Holy fear is joined to “ the kind of love young children feel towards parents , that parents feel towards young children , that married couples have for each other .” It causes them to “ fear doing whatever is displeasing , thus whatever injures love in any way .” ( Arcana Coelestia 8925 )
When we realize and are moved by how greatly the Lord has loved us , and thus love Him in return , then we fear doing anything that would offend Him or damage our relationship with Him ; anything contrary to His Word . This is holy fear . We feel it because we are aware of how unworthy we are of the patience , loving-kindness and tender mercies He has shown toward us .
A feeling of unworthiness is a recurring theme in Scripture . Jacob expressed it later in the story of his life when he said : “ I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies , and of all the truth , which You have shown unto Your servant .” ( Genesis 32:10 )
Moses felt it when he encountered Jehovah at the burning bush and exclaimed : “ Who am I , that I should go unto Pharaoh , and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt ?” ( Exodus 3:11 ; see also 6:12 )