New Church Life March/April 2016 | Page 46

new church life: march/april 2016 particularly when compared on an international scale. We have to do a better job with teacher training and preparation. The College is undergoing a review of how our curriculum can be further enhanced to produce highly effective teachers. More details will be forthcoming later this year. Communications Since taking office, I have heard from many alumni that they would like to receive more informative communications on what is going on with the College. We have taken steps to respond to these suggestions. This past month we published our inaugural edition of the Bryn Athyn College Alumni Magazine. We will publish this periodical three times a year. We also plan to leverage today’s internet technologies with live streaming of events and talks. Pendleton Hall is being rewired so that via the internet we can deliver chapel talks, faculty presentations and college events to members of our community. Announcements of this new capability will be made later this year. The College is committed to becoming recognized as an admired academic institution where a student can receive an excellent education. We also are confident that we can introduce our faith to young people who hopefully will grow to appreciate both the natural was well as spiritual foundation we provide them. We welcome you to visit us anytime. We are proud about what we offer and greatly appreciate the support and sacrifice so many have made to make Bryn Athyn College a wonderful New Church institution. Contact: [email protected] O U R N E W C H U RC H V O C A B U L A R Y Part of a continuing series developed by the Rev. W. Cairns Henderson, 1961-1966. FACULTY This is a term used of certain things with which man is endowed by the Lord. Thus we read of the faculties of liberty and rationality, of loving and becoming wise. In every instance what is meant is a potential that may or may not be developed, or may be developed in part. Faculties do not become man’s own, but are adjoined to the Lord continually, and it is in their right exercise that the Lord dwells with man. (See Divine Love and Wisdom 30, 240) 148