New Church Life March/April 2016 | Page 44

new church life: march/april 2016 truth, heaven and hell, are several of the subjects these students have a keen interest in. • The College in general has gained experience and continues to refine how to teach about the New Church faith. The sessions conducted earlier today [at the Retreat] by Dr. Martha Gyllenhaal and Curtis Childs showed evidence of how the Church can be received by people with diverse backgrounds. Young adults are actually more open than you might think to new thoughts and concepts about religion. I have personally had discussions with students – particularly upperclassmen – who go out of their way to tell me how much they love the College and its environment. Many of these students will also say they are members of another faith but they like this “Swedenborg stuff.” Both the faculty and I believe that the Lord leads all through providence and Bryn Athyn College for many will be the first step in their religious journey. • I would like to refer to a section in our Mission Statement where we state that the College has a special opportunity to introduce religious in tellectual thought by: The College must take great care to prepare students for a career and a life-long use. We believe we can also make career choices more meaningful if we add a sense of spirituality to the careers our young people plan to pursue. “Pairing our courses into the intellectual inquiry of a strong liberal arts education with spiritual inquiry rooted in the teachings of the New Church. Students will explore this perspective in their religion courses, and also see it reflected in every other course they take.” This is indeed a process where we need to work continually to get better but we must pause to see the progress made and the promise for future success. The Vision for the College The College must take great care to prepare students for a career and a lifelong use. We believe we can also make career choices more meaningful if we add a sense of spirituality to the careers our young people plan to pursue. The 146