New Church Life March/April 2016 | Page 32

new church life: march/april 2016 in heaven to eternity, a marriage where we experience “innocence, peace, tranquility, inmost friendship, complete trust, a mutual desire of the mind and heart to do the other every good; also, as a result of all these, bliss, felicity, delight, pleasure, and, owing to an eternal enjoyment of states like this, the happiness of heaven.” (Ibid. 180) When the Pharisees come tempting, say the Lord’s words to them: “What, therefore, God has joined together, let not man put asunder.” (Matthew 19:6) Amen. The Rev. Brett D. Buick is assistant to the pastor in Kempton, Pennsylvania. He was ordained in 2015. He lives with his wife, Karla (Cole), and their children in New Tripoli, Pennsylvania. Contact: [email protected] O U R N E W C H U RC H V O C A B U L A R Y Part of a continuing series developed by the Rev. W. Cairns Henderson, 1961-1966. EXINANITION This term refers to the Lord on earth and His state of humiliation before the Father when in a state of truth and seemingly separated from the Divine. Thus it was a state of His human consciousness. (See Doctrine of the Lord 35) 134