New Church Life March/April 2016 | Page 88

new church life: march/april 2016 it with his “Begin a New Life” series on regeneration, which is reaching people within the Church but many, many more beyond. And Curtis’s videos for the Swedenborg Foundation are so successful that he honestly hopes to make Swedenborg and the Writings household words within the next 10 years – and increasingly relevant to countless lives. Curtis says “there is a huge conversation about religion on YouTube and we want to be a part of it.” Who knew? To a lot of people, YouTube is just a lot of videos of cute kittens, puppies and grandchildren. But Swedenborg “going viral”! This is all heady stuff. Add in all the outreach programs and individual efforts going on in the Church and it’s easy to see why Curtis and others are buzzing about the spread of the New Church being at a tipping point, with horizons even the internet cannot contain. “What hath God wrought” indeed. And what can we do – as a church, as individuals – to use what we have been given to “go forth and teach all nations” about the Lord and His Word? (BMH) freely given What animated Mark and Curtis in their presentations is that there are “a lot of good things coming out of the New Church” that can help people in their lives – help to heal their pain and give them hope. Mark says, “We have something to give the world,” and should not hold back. Curtis feels something incredible is happening with the way people all over the world are responding to Swedenborg and the Writings – how they are searching for truth and finding answers. He can barely contain his excitement. They also acknowledged all the many things the General Church and caring members are giving to the world – from Journey programs and the New Christian Bible Study website, to the Daily Inspiration, Caring for Marriage Moats, live-streamed services, New Church Life online, and many more. These are all, of course, provided free of charge – within the Church and beyond – with no strings attached. But there is real value, and that should be acknowledged. The programs and videos Mark and Curtis are providing, for instance, are offered free but have real costs associated with them. They do make soft-sell appeals for support – a “click to donate” button – and hopefully many people are responding. But if all of these efforts are to have the success people like Mark and Curtis dream of, they deserve our own thanks and support. We have something of a culture in our Church – echoed throughout the 190