New Church Life Mar/Apr 2015 | Page 70

new church life: march/april 2015 We need to note especially what the Lord has directly taught in His Word, rather than be guided in any way by the poor example of how people in the stories of Scripture too often responded to His teaching. The love of woman and woman is as the love of affection and affection, the affection being the affection of the understanding of men; for woman was created and is born to become the love of man’s understanding. These loves, that is, the love of man and man and of woman and woman, do not enter deeply into the breast, but stand without and merely touch each other; thus they do not inwardly conjoin the two….But the love between man and woman is the love between the understanding and its affection, and this enters deeply and conjoins. Such conjunction is the love itself. [Emphasis added] Such same-sex relationships just cannot work. “Of themselves,” they cannot bear any fruit – certainly not the kind the Lord especially wants and commands. He is not able to bestow His boundless and eternal blessings on them. No “little children can come” to the Lord as result of them, taken by themselves. These relationships, which may seem alluring and pleasurable at first, ultimately – if not in this world then in the next – can yield only frustration and eventual bleak despair. Maybe that is just one of the reasons that so much promiscuity tends to enter in and be associated with many of these conjunctions. So the Lord, in seeking to save people from the sad results of these relationships, says in effect: “Don’t do it! It does not work for Me, and it does not work for you.” In Conjugial Love 54:e the Lord is speaking of those who have lived a celibate life in the natural world and are now in the next life, and especially those who have lived a monastic life: Those, both virgins and men, who in the world have been shut up in monasteries, at the conclusion of their monastic life, which continues for some time after death, are set free and discharged. They then enjoy the longed-for liberty of their desires, as to whether they wish to live a conjugial life [of one man and one wife] or not. If they desire a conjugial life, they obtain it; if not they are conveyed to those who lived in celibacy at the side of heaven; but those who burned with forbidden/ impermissible lust (aestuaverunt in concessa libidine) are thrown/cast down (dejiciunter). The reason why celibates are at the side of heaven is because the sphere of perpetual celibacy infests the sphere of conjugial love, which is the sphere of heaven. That the sphere of conjugial love is the sphere of heaven, is because it descends from the heavenly marriage of the Lord and the Church. [Emphasis added] If one wishes to learn more specifically what is meant by “forbidden” or “impermissible” lusts, read De Conjugio 55-57, then Last Judgment Posthumous 180