New Church Life Mar/Apr 2015 | Page 66

new church life: march/april 2015 As a social organization, the General Church may be no better or worse than any other Christian group. But as a teaching body, it has answers that no one outside the New Church has. Christian Religion. But perhaps the chief attraction was the description of the spiritual world and testification to its reality. How many people have not said or thought that they would believe if only someone could come back from the other world and bear witness to it? That is what the New Church, and particularly the General Church, has to offer: explanations that may be intellectually satisfying. The Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture distinguishes three kinds of people in the church. The first are people who love the truths of the Word and apply them to useful life endeavors, and who are thus enlightened by the Lord. Of them it is said: The Word shines and is translucent with them because every particular in the Word contains in it a spiritual and celestial sense, and these senses exist in the light of heaven. Consequently the Lord flows through these senses and their light into the natural sense and its light in a person. As a result, the person acknowledges truth from an inner perception, and so sees it in his thought, and this whenever he is prompted by an affection for truth because it is true. (Sacred Scripture 57,58) These are the kind of people who are able to draw doctrine from the Word. (Ibid. 59) The second kind of people are ones who do not draw doctrine from the Word themselves, but “first inquire whether the doctrine delivered by others and accepted by the general body accords with the Word. And to whatever accords they assent, and from whatever does not accord they dissent. ...” “But this is the case only with people who are not distracted by worldly affairs and have the sight to see.” (Ibid. 59) All others, then, the third kind of people, “who live in some measure in accordance with truths, can learn from them [i.e, the first two kinds].” (Ibid.) This makes clear that not everyone in the Church is expected to be expert in the Word or in doctrine drawn from it. If some people are drawn to the Church by family or friends, or by the sense of community they find in it, or because they like the rituals and music, it is enough, provided they live in accordance with what truths they know and live good lives. People who, in other words, “live according to the precepts of their religion and by a 176