New Church Life Mar/Apr 2015 | Page 52

new church life: march/april 2015 HCIC is the organization that was lovingly created to financially support the Rev. Samson Abuga and his staff in caring for 64 orphans. Something I’ve learned about travel and experiencing new cultures is that you can never be fully prepared, and there is always more going on than I know to look for, so it’s best just to be open and ready, fully letting go of control and becoming a sponge to the world. That way you see, smell, hear and feel more, and I’m so grateful for this realization. Kenya itself is a force of nature. From the moment I stepped off the plane onto the dusty red earth, things worked differently. The weather fluctuates drastically and nothing happens as planned. Everything is more organic, there is an ebb and flow to the market place, a natural momentum to daily life. Time is an illusion, an estimate. Likewise, the people I met are forces of nature, from the tiny women carrying giant sacks of potatoes on their heads, to the teachers with fervent concern and care for each student. But the kids were the ones teaching me the most, making the world feel more in sync. They reminded me to get busy living. And made me remember that there’s nothing better than feeling thoroughly exhausted after a day of doing something you love. One of the orphans grew up a delinquent street kid, following a path toward a life of crime in order to survive. But he was taken in and has turned his life around completely. I watched him graciously receive an award for being the top of his class. It’s incredible to witness first hand the power of human connection and how all it takes is just one person to care. Samson and different members of the community here are the sole reason half these kids are even alive. Listening to him talk about them and watching him interact with them makes it clear that the support they are getting from the staff at the orphanage is grounded in respect, compassion and love. They’ve shown the uncanny amount of bravery it takes to be selfless, and I am humbled to be witness to it. Samson and different members of the community here are the sole reason half these kids are even alive. Listening to him talk about them and watching him interact with them makes it clear that the support they are getting from the staff at the orphanage is grounded in respect, compassion and love. 162