New Church Life Mar/Apr 2014 | Page 112

new church life: march / april 2014 more general order that exists between masculine and feminine. At the beginning, the passage speaks about a man and wife: “the wife’s wisdom is not possible with the man,” and vice versa. Then the teaching broadens to an observation about the masculine and feminine natures generally: “It is masculine to perceive from the understanding, and feminine to perceive from love,” and so on. Then at the end the focus switches back to a marriage relationship and reiterates that “the wife’s wisdom is not possible with the man, nor the man’s rational wisdom with the wife; nor is man’s moral wisdom possible with women so far as it partakes of his rational wisdom.” There may be differences of opinion on how all this applies to the question of women in the priesthood, but the fact that it does apply – or at least that it is not irrelevant to the conversation – seems clear. (WEO) the noah challenge Hollywood loves a good story – especially one that lends itself to spectacular special effects and promises box-office appeal. So another biblical epic, Noah, was scheduled to open in American theaters on March 28. With a cast led by Russell Crowe, J