New Church Life Mar/Apr 2014 | Page 108

new church life: march / april 2014 “Man is born not for the sake of himself but for the sake of others; that is, he is born not to live for himself alone but for others; otherwise there could be no cohesive society, nor any good therein.” (True Christian Religion 406) (WEO) a thought on the ten commandments The Lord wants us to be happy. And yet in the Ten Commandments He forbids certain things that people obviously think would make them happy (or there would be no need to forbid them). Is there a contradiction here? No, it’s just that there are different kinds of happiness, heavenly and infernal, and we have to choose one or the other. Choosing the lower kind of happiness separates us from the higher, deeper, longer-lasting kind. The Lord wants people to be really happy, and forever, not just temporarily. This is why He forbids certain things, and why it is wise for us to take the prohibitions seriously. (WEO) preparing a place for us It is the nature of love to wish to give of its own to others, to make them happy and be united with them. The Lord’s love is Divine, and there is no limit to His desire to be with us and give us the happiness of heaven. But in order to do this, He must first make us capable of being in His presence and receiving the happiness of heaven. This is why all that business about temptation combats, building up a conscience, repentance, reformation and regeneration is necessary. In the process, during those times when we are wandering in the desert or lost in the wilderness, it may seem that the Lord has forgotten about us and left. But that’s just an appearance. “I go to prepare a place for you,” the Lord told His disciples shortly before His death. Whether we say He prepares a place in heaven for us, or prepares a place in us for heaven, it is the same thing; “for the kingdom of God is within you,” as He said another time. (Luke 17:21) (WEO) the search for truth How many of us born into the Church wonder at times if we would have sought it out on our own, and embraced the teachings of the new revelation? I always admire the people who have done so – especially those who fought doctrinal concepts that challenged their faith, but came to see and appreciate that this truth is from the Lord alone. 204