New Church Life July/August 2017 | Page 78

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 7 freedom’s spouse Freedom does not exist in isolation; it is forever married to reason, the other essential faculty that defines human nature. This is because the good that genuine freedom seeks, and the truth that forms the core of genuine rationality, come from Divine Love and Wisdom, which are one in God, just as the heat and light that go forth from the sun are one in it. Human rationality comes from truth and leads to wisdom. And since truth describes reality, what would there be to reason about in the absence of truth? Knowledge of what is true is the “raw material” of sound reasoning. False reasoning – based on ideas that do not accord with reality – does not constitute rationality. Knowledge of spiritual truth is needed to be spiritually rational. And since human freedom is essentially a spiritual condition (because human beings are essentially spiritual creatures), knowledge of the Lord’s Word is a necessary prerequisite for the spiritual rationality needed for the preservation and wise use of human liberty. The first law of Divine Providence is that man should “act from freedom in accordance with reason.” The lives of animals are governed by instinct; the uniquely human instinct is an instinct for truth. Truth by which we may govern our own lives, as if of ourselves. Truth that is loved, understood, and freely applied to how we live. (WEO) the limits freedom loves Human liberty is a property of love; “freedom” is being able to act on what you love. But loves are various, and some are contrary to each other; so human freedom includes the power to choose not to act on desires we p