New Church Life July/August 2016 | Page 38

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 6 of the New Church Secondary Schools, from when I was a student, and through the last 20 years of having our own children here, my experience of the Academy is that all the educators – every teacher, staff person and administrator – are using their wisdom, their spiritual gifts and their acquired skills to cultivate your adult, fully human, understanding and feeling of the flow of the Lord’s love. So whenever you feel the fear of failing, or anger at a passion thwarted, or sadness at the way something went, or confidence in your skills, or accomplishment at finishing a project, or joy in success and victory, you are learning that all these emotional experiences create in you a sense of the connection between the Lord’s love for you and your physical world. That connection is the experience this Academy strives to create. That is a high bar; and a goal that few schools have set for themselves. Remember the time your friend passed that important test? And as you two walked out of the classroom you were excited – happy – about that success? You laughed together, your step was light, maybe bouncy. But you also remember the time your friend was sad and down, and you stayed with them in their grief, feeling it with them, with a slower walk, a quieter voice. The lesson you can learn from the experiences of all your emotions is that your physical life is actually connected to the way you think about those circumstances, and those thoughts are connected to your experience of emotions. And when your body, your thoughts and your feelings are all working together, you will open your heart and mind to the Divine Goodness and Truth flowing from the Lord. The experience of the Lord’s love is of blessing – of joy. The teachers and staff and administrators all want you to feel the joy of accomplishment. And so there is a lot of encouragement to achieve a better grade. I presume that every one of you, at some point in high school, went to a teacher for extra help. Remember the time you were confused, or frustrated, maybe telling yourself that you are not good enough, or stupid? And so you went to your teachers and You are learning that all these emotional experiences create in you a sense of the connection between the Lord’s love for you and your physical world. That connection is the experience this Academy strives to create. That is a high bar; and a goal that few schools have set for themselves. 350